These areas:

  • Addiction

  • Anger

  • Anxiety

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Christian Faith

  • Depression

  • Family transitions

  • Grief/Loss

  • Trauma (Childhood and Adult)

  • School-based challenges

These Life Stages:

  • ·      Adolescence

  • ·      College and young adult

  • ·      Pre-marriage

  • ·      Marriage and divorce

  • ·      Parenting

  • ·      Chronic illness

  • ·      Palliative care

Seminars and Workshops
We speak on many topics for conferences, retreats, etc.

We are committed to mentoring other therapists. It is our hope that we can support others as they develop their own counseling practices.

We offer consulting services to churches and other organizations to educate and train in areas such as care ministries, lay counseling, trauma care, grieving, church health, leadership development and spiritual renewal.